奥地利pinscher狗的特征, Origin

奥地利平施狗是一种美丽的中等大小的Pinscher型狗。它被开发为农场狗。它也以其他一些名称知道。还有其他名称包括ÖsterreichischerPinscher,Österreichischerkurzhaarpinscheror奥地利n Shorthaired Pinscher

As the name suggests, the Austrian Pinscher dogs were originated from Austria, where dogs of the type were originally farm dogs, keeping barns free of rats and acting as home guards, livestock guardians and drovers.


The Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher was recognized as a breed for the first time in 1928, but the breed was developed from an old type of pinscher found on farms in the Austrian countryside, a mixture of German Pinschers and the local dogs.[1这是给予的

在19世纪末,农场狗开始死亡,当时他们不再需要做的工作。在20世纪初期,埃米尔·哈克(Emil Hauck),寻找H. von Meyer在1843年确定的原住民狗类型,因为Canis Palustris或沼泽的狗(一种狗,而不是实际物种),发现了他认为是一些例子奥地利乡村的类似狗。

In 1921 he began serious breeding to revive and define the type of the breed, to separate them from other landrace pinschers of the area. The Austrian Kennel Club (Österreicher Kynologenverband) first recognised the breed as the Österreichischer Kurzhaarpinscher (translates in English as Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher) in 1928.

The name was given to the breed to identify its place of origin as Austria (Österreich), and to differentiate it from the Schnauzer which at that time was called the Rough-haired Pinscher (rauhaariger Pinscher). After World War II, though, the breed almost vanished.

在1970年代,该品种只有一只注册的狗被命名为Angern的Diokles。与其他狗一起繁殖这只狗,该狗被确定为该地区的旧pinscher型(“ Landpinschern”)将该品种带回了,尽管仍然只有少数。


The Austrian Pinscher dogs are beautiful animals. Generally, they are a normally proportioned strong and sturdy dog. They have button ears and a head described as being shaped like a pear.



Average height of the mature Austrian Pinscher dogs is between 17 and 20 inches at the withers for males, and between 17 and 19 inches for females. Average weight of the mature dogs is between 12 and 18 kg.

奥地利平彻(Austrian Pinscher Dog),奥地利平施狗,关于奥地利平彻狗,奥地利pinscher狗的外观,奥地利pinscher狗的行为,奥地利Pinscher狗的颜色,护理奥地利pinscher狗,奥地利Pinscher狗的特征喂食,奥地利平彻狗气质,奥地利平彻狗的寿命,奥地利Pinscher Dog Health,奥地利Pinscher狗作为宠物


尽管它的背景作为工作犬,欧斯特rian Pinscher dog is very much suited to family life and makes a great companion for children of all ages. They generally bond strongly with their family, showing them great devotion and demonstrating their affection at any opportunity. Because of their playful and gentle nature, they are so well suited to life with children.


狗-to-dog aggression can be an issue in some dogs, so they require early socialization with other canines to ensure their acceptance. Barking can be excessive in some Austrian Pinscher dogs, and they need to be trained out of them from a young age, particularly if living in close proximity to neighbors.




How much a mature dog eats depends on it’s size, age, build, metabolism and activity level. Dogs are individuals, just like people, and they don’t all need the same amount of food.

The Austrian Pinscher dogs are medium sized dogs. So, their diet should be formulated for a medium sized breed with average or high exercise needs. You can consult with your兽医为了更好的建议。


照顾好动物对于饲养奥地利的pinscher狗非常重要。因为这是that has been used to it’s freedom running around farmyards, it is not advisable to keep the Austrian Pinscher within an apartment or small home.

These dogs generally require outdoor access and plenty of space to round around in. Even when tired out, they don’t tend to sit still, instead wandering around their home, investigating the vicinity.



奥地利平舍犬通常很健康。但是像其他所有狗品种, they are also prone to certain health conditions.


品种名称 奥地利Pinscher
Other Names ÖsterreichischerPinscher,Österreichischerkurzhaarpinscher或奥地利短暂的Pinscher
Breed Size 中等的
Height 男性的枯萎处的17到20英寸,女性的17至19英寸之间
重量 12至18公斤之间
很好 是的
气候耐受性 所有气候
颜色 Black&Tan,雄鹿红,俄罗斯,棕黄色
寿命 在12到14年之间
对孩子有好处 是的
稀有 常见的
Country of Origin 奥地利


