Ural Striped Maned Pigeon Characteristics & Uses

The Ural Striped Maned pigeon is a fancy breed of domestic pigeon from Russia. This breed along with other domesticated pigeon breeds, all are descendants of the rock pigeon.

These birds were brought to the Ural region in the 18th century. And they have been bred at the Count Orloffs devecotes. Currently main habitat of these birds is Ural region. Read more information about the breed below.

Ural Striped Maned Pigeon Appearance

Ural Striped Maned pigeon is a medium to large sized breed primarily with white color. Body of these birds is stream-lined and their neck is short.

Their chest is wide and slightly prominent. Their back is wide in the shoulders and is inclined towards the tail.

Their wings are tight against the body and lie on the tail, and set low on the legs.

Head of the Ural Striped Maned pigeon is round, the forehead is wide and prominent. The eyes are expressive and are of dark colored.

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Their neck is short, strong and without flexure. The females have a narrower white stripe in the tail. Body size is up to 25 cm from the chest to the tail end.

Average mature body weight of the Ural Striped Maned pigeon is between 400 and 600 grams. Photo and info fromWikipedia.


The Ural Striped Maned pigeon is a fancy breed. It is used for exhibition and show purposes.

Special Notes

The Ural Striped Maned pigeon is a fancy breed from Russia. It is distributed mainly to the Ural region. These birds are excellent flyers and also good for show purposes.

They are also very good for raising as pets. They are pretty active and long lived birds. Average lifespan of these birds is about 12-14 years.

Review full breed profile of this breed in the chart below.

Breed Name Ural Striped Maned
Other Name None
Breed Purpose Exhibition, flying, pets
Special Notes Beautiful birds, excellent flyers, good for show, good for raising as pets, pretty active, long lived
Breed Class Medium to large
Weight 400-600 grams
Climate Tolerance Native climates
飞行能力 Excellent
As Pets Good
Color White
Rarity Common
Country/Place of Origin Russia

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