Basset Artesien Normand Dog特征, Origin

Basset Artesien Normand Dog是一种短腿猎犬的品种。它是在法国开发的。A和Basset一词是指短腿猎犬。该品种也以普通的昵称而闻名BAN

诺曼德巴塞特Artesien和更熟悉Basset Hound share a common ancestry in the short-legged hounds of northern France of the early 19th century that displayed osteochondrodysplasia dwarfism.

But unlike the Basset Hound, which was developed by English breeders in the late 19th century as a more substantial dog that was initially cross-bred with Bloodhounds, the Basset-type dogs that French breeders developed remained lighter-boned and more focused on hunting ability.[1这是给予的

将这些法国鲈鱼作为纯种品种的记录始于1870年,并从一种共同的祖先类型开始,开发了两种菌株。一个有弯曲的前腿(Normand),另一个有直的前腿(Basset d'Artois)。品种俱乐部成立于1910年,并在1924年被赋予了它的名字。

Basset Artesien Normand Dogs正在醒来的猎犬,其次是步行的猎人。由于他们的腿短,他们不会离猎人太远。该品种被用来单独或包装猎物和其他小型游戏来狩猎兔子和其他小型游戏,但今天它们主要繁殖为宠物。

Basset Artesien Normand Dog特征

Basset Artesien Normand Dogs是美丽的动物,具有独特的外观。他们的短外套是三色的(小鹿和白色,带有黑色毯子,背面的斑块)或双色(小鹿和白色)。头和长耳是独特的。

Basset Artesien Normand Dog是Basset猎犬的亲戚。实际上,这两个品种都与法国的标志性短腿猎犬共享共同的历史。

Basset Artesien Normand的骨头和结构比Basset猎犬更轻,这使得它们在田间更有效。


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The temperament of the Basset Artesien Normand dog should be calm and good-natured. It is a gentle and affectionate breed by nature which is part of what made him so popular among the French aristocracy.


巴塞特阿蒂安·诺曼德(Basset Artesien Normand)的狗可以在与其他猫,狗或其他宠物的家中做得很好,尽管它们可能需要额外的训练才能做到这一点。


Basset Artesien Normand Dog的平均寿命在12到15年之间。


How much a mature dog eats depends on it’s size, age, build, metabolism and activity level. Dogs are individuals, just like people, and they don’t all need the same amount of food.

Basset Artesien Normand Dog是一种中小型品种。因此,应为中小型品种制定其饮食,并具有平均的运动至高兴需求。您可以咨询兽医in your area for better recommendations.



A long daily walk will be sufficient for these dogs. Though they never hurt to give them some extra time to run and play in a fenced yard.


Basset Artesien Normand狗通常很健康。但是像其他所有狗品种, they are also prone to certain health conditions.

Their common health problems include hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, ear infections, and arthritis. Always keep good contact with a vet in your area.

品种名称 Basset Artesien Normand
Other Names BAN
Breed Size 小到中等
Height 在枯萎的12到14英寸之间
重量 在15至20公斤之间
很好 Yes
气候耐受性 所有气候
颜色 小鹿,黑白,小鹿和白色
寿命 在12到15年之间
对孩子有好处 Yes
稀有 常见的
Country of Origin France


