Grass Carp Fish Characteristics, Feeding, Breeding


It is native to eastern Asia, and is a large herbvorousfreshwater fishCyprinidae家族的物种。它是咽喉属的唯一物种。它的本地范围是从越南北部到西伯利亚 - 中国边境的阿穆尔河。

草鲤鱼在中国长期种植食物。但是它也在美国和欧洲引入aquatic weed control.

This fish species is mainly found on turbid rivers and associated floodplain lakes. It is also calledWhite Amurin the United States (which is derived from the Amur River, where this fish is probably native but has never been abundant).


草鲤fish species has been introduced to many countries and available throughout the world.

Countries and territories in the Northern Hemisphere where this fish is available include India, Bangladesh, Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Malaysia, the Philippines, the United States, the Netherlands, Denmark, Romania, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Italy, West Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland and France.

和Hemisphe南部re, they have been introduced to South Africa, Argentina, Fiji, New Zealand, Venezuela and Australia.



The species had been introduced to 40 states by the 1970s, and it is still stocked in many states as an effective biocontrol for undesirable aquatic vegetation. Read some more information about the Grass鲤鱼鱼以下。

Physical Characteristics of Grass Carp Fish

Body of the Grass carp fish is elongated, chubby and torpedo-shaped. Color of the body is dark olive, shading to brownish-yellow on the sides, with a white belly and large, slightly outlined scales.



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The adult Grass carp fish are fed mainly on aquatic plants. They are fed on higher aquatic plants and submerged terrestrial vegetation.




Grass carp fish generally enter reproductive condition and spawn at temperatures of 20° to 30° C.



草鲤鱼被种植mainly for food in many countries. And it is used for aquatic weed control in some countries.

Special Notes

草鲤s grow very fast. Fingerlings stocked in the spring at 20 cm, will generally reach over 45 cm by fall.


There is a thriving population of Grass carp fish passing the 15 year mark in Silver Lake Washington. In natural condition, these fish require long rivers for the survival of the eggs and very young fish.


姓名 Grass Carp
王国 Animalia
Phylum Chordata
班级 Actinopterygii
命令 氰型
Family Cyprinidae
Subfamily Leuciscinae
物种 C. idella
Binomial Name ctenopharyngodonidella
其他名称 Known as White Amur in the United States
Breed Purpose Food, aquatic weed control
Special Notes Grow very fast, 5-9 years average lifespan, require long rivers for the survival of the eggs and very young fish in natural conditions, very common throughout the world
繁殖方法 Natural and artificial
重量 可以生长约40公斤
水类型 淡水
Climate Tolerance 几乎所有的气候
身体颜色 深色橄榄色,侧面遮蔽褐色的黄色,并带有白色的腹部
稀有 常见的
可用性 Worldwide



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