How to Raise Ducks (best guide for beginners)

Raising ducks is very interesting and enjoyable. You can also think about raising some ducks on your farm or backyard with other poultry birds or farm animals. Ducks are also awesome as companion pets.


平均来说,鸭子通常提出的meat and egg production. There are numerousduck breedsavailable throughout the world. You can easily choose any breed depending on your area and according to the availableduck farmingfacilities in your area.


How to Raise Ducks?

Raising ducks is very easy and they don’t require too much. They will live and produce happily as long as you provide them good shelter and quality feeds.


Choose Breeds

Before choosing best breed for you, consider your reasons for raising ducks. You can raise ducks for fresh eggs, quality meat and just as pets. After determining your purpose, look for the desired breed in your area.


通常印度跑步者和Khaki Campbell ducks被认为是最好的egg laying duck breeds。Aylesbury, Muscovy and Pekin are some popularmeat duck breeds。为了将鸭子作为宠物,您可以选择任何品种。

But for raising ducks as pets, most people consider the nature and beauty of the duck breeds. If you want to raise ducks for only egg production, then consider purchasing only female ducks.

Because male ducks are pretty aggressive in nature and they might fight with the females. If you want to hatch eggs, then keep one male duck with every six to nine girls.

For raising ducks as pets and for meat production purpose, the ratio of male and female ducks can be any.



A goodduck housing系统将使您可爱的鸟类免受捕食者的侵害以及不利的天气条件和有害元素的影响。


Add proper lighting system and a heat lamp inside their house. This will add extra warmth for them during cooler weather, and also encourage them for laying more eggs (as presence of light influence egg production highly).

Usually ducks don’t require too much room space for themselves. Allowing them 2 to 3 square feet of floor space per duck will be sufficient enough. Keep nesting boxes for laying ducks inside the house. Setup a lockable door with their house.

This will give you access to clean the house and collect eggs while keeping the predators out. You can make the litter on the floor by using dry absorbent materials (such as wood shavings or straw).


Food & Water

Keep adequate number of feeders and waterers for your ducks so that they can eat sufficient amount of food and drink water according to their demand.

Keep 16 percent protein in the feed of adult ducks, add 2 percent calcium for breeder ducks. And 18 percent protein is suggested for the meat ducks.

You can give fruits and vegetables to your ducks. In case of providing them fruits or vegetables, chop it finely. Ducks usually forage for bugs, so they also work as pest controller.








You can allow the ducklings to outside by their age of 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, you can introduce the ducklings with other older ducks in your flock.

If any problems arise while keeping the ducklings with the older ducks, then keep the ducklings separate from the adults for a few days or weeks.


Always try to take good care of your ducks. Look over their health on a regular basis to keep them free from all types of鸭子疾病。Look over the feather condition and ensure that the feathers are in clean condition.

Both the nostrils on their bills and their eyes should be clear of dirt and debris.

Ducks are more resistant to diseases than chickens and any other poultry birds. Pay extra attention to the smooth webbed feet which can easily become injured from rough surfaces.

你的鸭子家禽接种疫苗霍乱和禽流感flu. Both of these are dangerous to humans, so be very careful and never delay to vaccinate your ducks for these diseases. Keep good relation with the vet in your area and call him/her in case of an emergency.

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  1. 我有李尔王nt much about the duck as i want to start keeping them in near future in my backyard. Do ducks climb or sleep on floor?



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