


They were documented inEngland到1600年代,到1700年代中期。

雅各布绵羊实际上是一只皮埃巴尔德和多角(多居)动物。它也以其他一些名称(例如多角羊,花斑羊Spanish sheep


And most of the today’s population descends from imports of the past 30 years.


The North American sheep breeders have selected this breed primarily for fleece characteristics, and the conformation of the sheep has remained very much like it’s historical description.


但是稀有品种生存信托(RBST)英国, do not consider the Jacob as being at risk as there are more than 3,000 registered breeding ewes available.

Today, there are many breed registries for this breed, whose only focus in the Jacob sheep. Two notable registries are; the雅各布羊育种者协会, and theAmerican Jacob Sheep Registry。However, read some more information about this breed below.


雅各布绵羊是一种中型,piebald和多角羊,类似于goatin it’s conformation. They may have from 2 to 6 horns, but most commonly have four.


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其他杂色的绵羊品种包括the Finnsheep and the西非矮人, and other polycerate sheep breeds include theManx Loaghtan,Navajo-Churro,希伯来人和冰岛绵羊。

常见的coloration of the Jacob sheep is black and white. They have long body frame, with a straight back and a rump that slopes toward the base of the tail.

The ewes have small udders free of wool that are held closer to the body than those of the modernsheep breeds。公羊的阴囊短,没有羊毛,并且将睾丸靠近身体,而不是其他现代品种。

Head of the Jacob sheep is slender and triangular. And the head is clear of wool forward of the horns and on the cheeks.

Tail of these animals is long and woolly, extending almost to the hock if it has not been docked. Their legs are of medium-length, slender, preferably white in color with or without colored patches and the legs are free of wool below the knees.

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As a medium-sized animal, average live body weight of the mature Jacob ewes is between 36 and 54 kg. And live body weight of the mature rams vary from 54 to 82 kg. Photo and info from Wikipedia.



Special Notes

The Jacob sheep are very hardy and strong animals with docile temperament. They are multi-purpose animals and used for many different purposes. They produce good quality meat and a medium quality fleece.


The Jacob ewes are excellent mothers, and they bear 1 or 2 lambs in the spring only. The lambing is usually very easy for them. Along with raising for meat, wool and hides, the breed is also very good for raising as pets or for ornamental purpose.

They also have been used as a guard animal for protectingfarm和盗窃或故意破坏的财产,并捍卫其他牲畜对掠食者的影响。

Along with being very hardy, the Jacob sheep are also low-maintenance animals. They are strong animals with a naturally high resistance to parasites and hoof problems.



Breed Name Jacob
其他名字 Also known by some other names such as多角羊,花斑羊Spanish sheep
Breed Purpose Meat, wool, hides, pets, ornamental
Special Notes 非常坚固而坚强的动物,温顺的气质,多​​功能动物,对肉类生产有益,对羊毛有益,适合皮革,适合养宠物,适合观赏目的,有益于养育后卫动物,母羊是好母亲,是好妈妈,是好妈妈它们几乎没有或没有羔羊问题,低维护动物,对寄生虫的抵抗力和蹄问题,可以忍受极端的温度
繁殖大小 中等的
重量 Rams weight between 54 and 82 kg, and mature ewes body weight vary from 36 to 54 kg
Horns 是的
气候耐受性 不同的气候
颜色 黑与白
稀有 常见的
Country/Place of Origin Middle East

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