
Koi fish farming or climbing perch farming is very easy, popular and profitable business. Koi is very popular among the general people of some Asian countries, from the ancient time.

Because koi is a very tasty and nutritious fish. Once upon a time koi fish was highly available in the canal, small rivers, swamp, inundation land of Bangladesh, India, Thailand and some other South Asian countries.

在这些国家 /地区可用的所有鱼类中,锦鲤被认为是最受欢迎,最美味的鱼。如今,这条鱼也非常珍贵。

Koi fish is also known by some other names such as as climbing perch, koi mach, anabas testudineus etc. It is a common fish species of many countries.

Koi fish is generally afreshwater fish. This fish can be found in small rivers, canal and swamp.


Classification of Koi Fish

科学名称和识别类目的ation of koi fish are listed below.

  • Kingdom : Animalia
  • 门:Chordata
  • Class : Actinopterygii
  • 顺序:Perciformes
  • Suborder : Anabantoidei
  • 家庭:anabantidae
  • Genus : Anabas
  • Species : A. testudineus
  • Scientific Name : Anabas testudineus


Koi fish farming is very easy and profitable. Here we describing the main benefits/advantages of cultivating Thai koi fish commercially.

  • 锦鲤鱼的需求很高,因此,市场价值始终相对较高。
  • 这些鱼能够在不利的环境条件下生存,死亡率非常低。
  • Can be cultivated in greater density.
  • 可以在小池塘或笼子里种植。
  • 在3-4个月内相对在短时间内相对销售。
  • Growing climbing perch is very profitable and these fish can be cultivated multiple times per year.
  • Diseases are less in koi fish than other fish species.
  • You will require relatively less capital for starting this business.
  • Feeding costs are relatively less, and you can produce the feed of your own.
  • Koi fish is mainly insectivorous. For this reason koi fish can be cultivated by providing insects, small fish, toad minnow, snail, oyster flesh etc.
  • You can utilize your family labor, if you start small scale production.
  • Commercial production is very profitable, and it can be a great income and employment source. Especially for the unemployed educated young people.
  • 如果您没有足够的钱来开始商业生产,那么您可以申请银行贷款。
  • 食用攀岩鲈鱼具有许多健康益处,如果您开始自己的生产业务,您可以享受新鲜的鱼。

How to Start Koi Fish Farming Business


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There are very little or almost no difference between Thai koi and common koi. But there are some black spots in the backside of the body of Thai koi and their body is flat than the common koi.

Koi fish generally grow very fast and can be cultivated in both small pond and cages. However, cultivating in pond is more profitable. Here we are trying to describe more about starting and operating this business.


It will be better if the selected pond is in open area where adequate sunshine is available. Clean the bush around the pond shore. Cut the branches if there are any big trees in the shore, and ensure at least 8 hours sunlight every day.

Especially smaller sized pond is very suitable for Thai koi fish farming business. The perfect size of the pond is 20-30 cent (8500 to 13000 square feet).

The main advantage of small pond is easy of maintain. Because, the smaller sized ponds are easily maintained. Ideal depth of the pond is 5-6 feet.

For preparing the pond, remove water from it and let it dry. Remove the excessive clay from the pond, because excessive clay creates harmful gases.

You can use some sand for minimizing the amount of clay. Sand keeps the water clean and environment of the pond fresh.

Using Lime & Fertilizer

After making the pond dry, you have to prepare it for koi fish farming by using both chemical and organic fertilizers.


And then spray 20 kg urea and 20 kg TSP (triple super phosphate) per acre by mixing with water. You can also apply directly instead of spraying with water.

You can stock the minnow of Thai koi after 5-7 days of applying organic and chemical fertilizers.


Then apply 100 kg lime per acre. And after 3-5 days of that use, apply 500 kg dung, 20 kg urea and 20 kg TSP per acre.

And you can stock minnow 5-7 days after applying the fertilizer. Water of the pond will become slightly green, after 5-7 days of applying fertilizers.


Thai koi is a very fast growing fish species. They will grow faster and reach marketing size faster than any other commercial fish species.


Rough Feed Management


In this system, you can use snail or oyster flesh, toad minnow, tripe or fishmeal (not regularly), rice bran, mustardcake etc.

Using at least one from the above mentioned feed ingredients and using others occasionally can bring good result.

High quality rough feed can be made for Thai koi fish by mixing 25% fishmeal, 30% rice bran, 25% mustard or coconut cake, 20% roughage together.

Commercial Feed

For regular and commercial koifish farming,您必须为他们提供足够数量的高质量颗粒饲料,以获得最大的生产。


You can produce the feed of your own. This will help you to save some money, and at the same time you will be able to maintain good quality.


Ingredients 百分比 蛋白质
Fishmeal 25% 13.75%
Bone And Meat Meal 8% 3.5%
Blood Meal 7% 4.9%
召集蛋糕 20% 6.6%
Rice Bran 17% 2.1%
Wheat Chaff 10% 1.7%
Flour 5% .9%
Dried Molasses 5% .8%
Oyster Powder 1%
预混料 1%
Salt 1%



Use approximately 10% feed at first month according to the body weight of fish, 6% in second month, 4% in third month, and 3% at fourth month.


Age (Days) Feed (Grams)
0-15 400
16-30 600
31-45 850
46-60 1000
61-75 1200
76-90 1300
91-105 1350
106-120 1400


Like many other fish species, the koi fishes are also naturally very good breeders. But most of the farmers don’t want to produce fingerlings at their farm. Rather the commercial producers used to purchase fingerlings from the hatcheries.

Caring & Other Management


Check the water quality regularly. Change the water if there are excessive moss, gas in the water.

Also change water if it become foul-smelling due to the use of excessive feeds and fertilizer (especially rough feed).

If water changing facility is not available in your area, then use medicine or lime according to the recommendation of an expert.

Always try to keep good contact with an expert in your area. And ask him/her immediately, if you notice any health problem.


If you practice all the good methods and ways mentioned above, then your fish will become suitable for harvesting within 3-4 months.

For Thai koi fish, the right harvesting size starts when they reach between 40 and 80 grams live body weight.

You can use the common fish harvesting methods for harvesting koi fish, such as netting.



营销koi fish is very easy and simple. It is a very common and popular fish. Especially in the south Asian countries.

Both demand and value of this fish are very high in the market. Hope you will probably be able to easily sell your products in the local market.

Although, you can target the nearest towns for selling your fish.


It’s not possible to tell the exact yield per acre. It depends on numerous factors. But in proper care and management, you can expect up to 1 ton production per acre.

Tips For Koi Fish Farming

  • 水质量对于锦鲤养殖养殖非常重要。始终将中等的pH值保持在水中。
  • Koi fishes have no interest in phytoplankton. So, remove the phytoplankton bloom from the water.
  • Use net around the pond, so that the fishes can’t go outside from the pond in rainy season.
  • 如果您发现任何健康问题,请尽快与专家联系。
  • Always provide healthy and nutritious feed. Never provide them contaminated feeds.
  • Use high quality, healthy and diseases free fingerlings. Try to purchase the fingerlings from any reputable hatcheries in your area.
  • Live koi fish is very popular. Demand and value of live fish both are higher than dead fish. So try to market the fish immediately after harvesting.


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