

Actually, walnut is the edible seed of a drupe of any tree of the genusJuglans(family Juglandaceae), particularly the Persian or English Walnut, Juglans regia.



The shell encloses the kernel, which is usually made up of two halves separated by a partition within a fibrous sheath that splits when ripened.




However, commercial walnut farming is a very easy and profitable business. You can start this business for making good profits.

Walnut Nutrition


Raw walnuts without shells are 65% fat, 15% protein, 14% carbohydrates, 7% dietary fiber and 4% water. In a 100-gram reference serving, walnuts provide 654 kcal and rich content of several dietary minerals, particularly manganese at 163% DV, and B vitamins.

Health Benefits of Walnut

Walnuts are very nutritious and are very healthy for human body. Here we are trying to describe the top health benefits of consuming walnuts.

  • 核桃是抗氧化剂的绝佳来源。抗氧化剂可以帮助抵抗人体的氧化损伤,包括由于“不良” LDL胆固醇造成的损害,从而促进动脉粥样硬化。
  • If you are a vegetarian, then you might looking for plant based omega-3 fat. Walnuts are great for this purpose. They are a very good source of omega-3, which may help to reduce heart disease risk.
  • Inflammation is a key culprit in many chronic diseases. And several plant compounds and nutrients found in walnuts may help to decrease inflammation.
  • Eating walnuts nourishes not only you but also the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut. This promotes the health of your gut and may help reduce disease risk.[2]
  • The polyphenols present in walnuts may reduce the risk of some cancers including colorectal, breast and prostate cancers.
  • 定期吃核桃有助于控制rol type 2 diabetes and also reduce your risk of some diseases. Walnuts have more direct effects on blood sugar control as well.
  • Eating walnuts regularly may help counteract potential harmful effects of less-than-ideal eating habits on sperm health.
  • Walnuts may help you for controlling stress.
  • 由于核桃是抗氧化剂的重要来源,因此它们非常适合增强您的免疫系统。
  • 核桃是心脏健康的,并定期食用它们可能有助于提高血压水平。
  • Regular consumption of walnuts will help you to stop premature aging.
  • Walnuts contain nutrients that may help protect your brain from damaging inflammation and support good brain function as you age.


Like most other commercial fruits, growing walnuts is also very easy. It is also very profitable, and you can start this business even if you are a beginner.

Although, we recommend having practical knowledge or experience before starting this business. Here we are trying to describe about the top advantages of commercial walnut farming business.

  • Starting commercial walnut farming business is very easy and you can start this business even if you are a beginner.
  • Commercial production is an excellent way for making high profits.
  • 商业核桃养殖已经是一家已建立的业务。因此,您不必担心开始和经营这项业务。
  • Many people are already doing this business commercially, so you don’t have to worry much about it.
  • The walnut plants are very strong and hardy, and they grow well in minimum care and management.
  • Walnut plants generally require less caring and other management, and the caring process is very easy.
  • Both demand and price of walnuts are much higher in both local and international market.
  • 营销/selling walnuts is very easy and simple. They already have very good demand and value in the market.
  • Commercial walnut farming is a very profitable business if you can manage everything perfectly. So, commercial walnut farming can be a great employment source for the people.
  • 核桃的商业生产可能是受过失业的受教育人士的好就业来源。
  • Production cost in walnut farming is relatively less, but the returns are much higher as compared to other fruit farming business.
  • 一旦建立植物,您将能够连续获得很高的利润。
  • The walnuts are highly nutritious and healthy and they have numerous health benefits. You can enjoy fresh walnuts if you start your own production business.

How to Start Walnut Farming

Starting commercial walnut farming business is relatively easy and simple. It’s just like starting and operating other fruit farming business.


You can start this business even if you are a beginner. Here we are trying to describe more about this business from planting, caring to harvesting and marketing.

Site Selection


Walnut plants generally grow well in soil with pH range between 6.0 and 7.5. Fertile and organic content rich soil is very good for optimum production.

Prepare the Soil

Preparing the soil perfectly is the most important part of good walnut production. You should remove weeds from the field while preparing.

Remove previous crop roots, and then plough the land 3 to 4 times to get soil in fine tilth stage. Add adequate amount of organic fertilizers while preparing the soil.



The walnut plants also do not prefer hot summer areas. An evenly distributed annual rainfall of around 800 mm is suitable for best growth and production.

Temperature above 38° C results in sun burning of hulls and shriveled kernels and also impacts the yields severely.

Best Time For Walnut Cultivation

If the most proper timing is to be chosen, plant your walnut tree in fall to speed root development up before the winter frost spells. It can also be planted in spring though, when purchased in a container, or also in summer as long as periods of sweltering heat are avoided.


两种最常见的核桃是g的主要物种rown for their seeds – the Persian or English walnut and the black walnut.

The English walnut (J. regia) originated in Iran (Persia), and the black walnut (J. nigra) is native to eastern North America.

The black walnut is of high flavor, but due to its hard shell and poor hulling characteristics it is not commercially cultivated in orchards.


但是,您应该咨询您所在地区的专家或与当地人联系agricultureextension office for choosing the best variety/cultivar for your area.


Walnut trees can be propagated in many different ways. They can be propagated through seeds, grafting or budding methods.


Purchase Plants

Today, there are many nurseries available which produce walnut plants. You can purchase the plant from any of your nearest nurseries.




The walnut plants are generally very strong and hardy and they require less caring and other management. Although taking additional caring will help the plants to grow well and produce more.


Add adequate amount of well rotten farm yard manure while preparing the soil for walnut farming. Applying chemical fertilizers is also required for maximum production.

Apply small amount of P & K during the first 5 years (about 100 grams per plant). Thereafter, apply 45-80 kg P per hectare and 65-100 kg of K per hectare.



Providing adequate irrigation is mandatory for maximum production. Apply first irrigation immediately after planting the plants.




Controlling Weeds

Controlling weeds is very important, because weeds consume most of the nutrients from the soil. Apply both manual and chemical weed controlling methods for best results.

Training & Pruning

Training should be carried in walnut farming after the 1st year using the Modified Central leader System. And pruning operation should be carried out in earl spring.


You can go for intercropping in walnut farming for getting additional income. You can use inter space during first 4 to 6 years after planting the walnut. You can cultivate any legume188金宝搏app亚洲登录或者vegetable喜欢tomato,洋葱,chillias an intercrop.


Selecting high quality and disease resistance seeds will prevent most of the pests and diseases problem. Consult with your local horticulture/agriculture department for more information.


Commercial walnut farming is a long term business. But it totally worth waiting. Walnut trees generally become start fruiting 10-12 years after planting the seedlings.

You can expect full commercial production after 18 to 20 years from planting time. But grafted planting starts fruiting early (within 4-5 years after planting). You can expect full commercial production in grafted plantation in 8-10 years.


A fully grown walnut tree produces as high as 125 to 150 kg nuts. But you can expect an average yield of 40 to 50 kg of nuts from each walnut tree. Although, it depends on the cultivar and also on farm management practices.


营销walnuts is very easy, and you can target your local market for selling your products. Although, you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful walnut farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

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