Wessex鞍形118金宝搏抽水 特征和起源


也称为Wessex pig,and the modern Saddleback breed originated in 1967 from the combination of two historicpig breeds英格兰南部。


Some sources state that the breed is simply of unknown origin. While the other sources say that the breed began as a cross of ‘the black breed of the New Forest’ and ‘the Old English Sheeted breed’, spreading through Hampshire and the Isle of Purbeck in the 18th century.


And it is probably one of the closest to the landrace pigs which foraged in woods throughout Britain for many centuries. A society for the breed named ‘The Wessex Saddleback Breed Society’ began in 1918 in Britain.

But the养猪business became more and more intensive by the middle of the 20th century. And the more extensive systems to which the Wessex Saddleback pig breed is most suited declined, and total number of the breed decreased gradually. Read some more information about the breed below.



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White coloration of this pig breed form a white band resembling a saddle or sheet. Photo and info from维基百科.


These animals are regarded as an excellent eating pigs. They are traditionally used as a ‘baconer’, and raised for bacon and hams.

Special Notes

The Wessex Saddleback pig is a hardy breed and it is an adaptable breed of pig which are known for it’s ability to thrive out of doors. The breed has been managed on pasture traditionally.

They have excellent foraging abilities and very good maternal qualities. The breed has also been used in commercial crossbreeding systems, especially with Large White.


Breed Name Wessex鞍背
其他名字 Wessex
Special Notes Very hardy, good for raising on pasture, excellent foragers, have good maternal qualities, used in commercial crossbreeding systems
繁殖大小 中等的
气候耐受性 Native climates
外套颜色 Mainly black with a white band about the forepart of the trunk, extending from one fore-foot over the shoulder to the other
稀有 常见的
国家/起源地 England



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