Best Guide For Breeding Quail For Beginners




鹌鹑tend to behave somewhat differently under the care of human breeders.


但是,如果您有孵化器,繁殖鹌鹑将很容易。在这里,我们正在描述更多有关如何繁殖鹌鹑, and the required facilities for breeding quail.


在这里,我们正在描述更多有关the essentials for breeding quail.


For successful breeding of quail you must have to have enough time and money. Decide whether you are ready for this or not.


Ensure You Have Enough Space

You will need a large space for breeding quail. Although quails are smaller sized birds and they don’t require much space.

But breeding quails require pretty much space. Each breeding quail will require at least 1 square foot of floor space.


Calm Environment




鹌鹑s generally require between 13 and 16 hours of lighting period daily. You can hang a light above their cage. 13-16 hours of lighting period daily will increase the quail’s egg production.

Never keep the lights on for all day and night. Because breeding quails require some dark period for sleeping.


Provide some straw or hay for your birds. Quails actually need to build nests before they lay eggs or hatch out chicks.

Sometimes quails lay eggs in peculiar spots or around their cage rather than in their nests. They generally lay about 5-7 eggs and then clutch them together in their nest and sit on them.


Plastic pots, container or small cardboard boxes will be good as nesting box for the quails, as long as they have an entrance to them.




Breeding quail during spring or summer will ensure better result. Quails generally start to mate and nest during spring and summer. Although some quail breed can breed year round.



Although some quail don’t make good parents and some are hard to get broody. Depending on the species, quail eggs will take between 16 and 23 days to hatch.

孵化器的孵化鸡蛋,species will require a temperature of 37.5 °C at the center of the eggs, decreasing slightly to 37 °C once they start to hatch on the final days.

The optimum humidity during the incubation period is 45 percent, increasing to 80 percent during the hatch.




Choose Healthy Quails

Always try to choose healthy and active quails to breed. You can choose healthy quails either from your existing flock from purchase from a store. You must have to choose the healthiest bird you can find.

breeding quail, quail breeding, breeding of quail, how to breed quail


Choose Birds of At Least 6 Weeks of Age

While choosing breeding quail, ensure the birds are at least 6 weeks old. Quails which are less than 6 weeks old will probably not be lying eggs.

Male to Female Ratio

Keeping one male for 2-5 female quails will ensure good result. But never exceed 5 females per male. It will be good if you can keep each male and his females separate from others.








You can either use an incubator or let your birds to hatch.

Let the Birds to Hatch

You can use your birds to hatch their eggs. In this case, do not touch or mess with the eggs unless emergency (the birds might discard them).

If you notice that your birds are laying eggs separately, then leave them. They are making a clutch before they sit on them.

Depending on the breed it will take between 16 and 23 days for the eggs to hatch once the hen has started sitting on them.



Keep the hen and her chicks separated from the flock. Other quails, especially can attack or peck at the chicks. And this cause serious injuries.

It will be better if you can keep the hen and her chicks in a warm place with bedding, water and food. And placing a heat-lamp in the area will be good. Although the hen will keep her chicks warm naturally.

Feeding the Chicks



Separate Male and Female Chicks

Separate male and female birds once they have reached 6 weeks of age. You can separate male and females by using vent system, looking at the feathers, observing their behavior and also by listening to their voice. Separating males from the females is necessary for preventing fighting.


Move the birds to a cage after their 6 weeks of age. You can either put them in a spacious pen or keep them in a simple rodent cage. Follow the steps mentioned above for breeding a new flock of quail.

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