Start Profitable Radish Farming Business For Profits

Commercial radish farming is a very common and popular business in many countries around the world. Radish is a very important crop and grown in almost everywhere around the globe.

Radishes are actually consumed throughout the world. And it is mostly eaten raw as a crunchy salad vegetable with a pungent flavor.

Radishes owe their sharp flavor to the various chemical compounds produced by the plants including glucosinolate, myrosinase and isothiocyanate.

Radish (Paphanus raphanistrum) is actually an edible root vegetable which belongs to family of ‘Brassicaceae’ and it was domesticated in Asia prior to Roman Times.[1]


Total annual production (using 2003-2004 data) of radishes to be about 7 million tonnes (roughly 2% of global vegetable production). Major radishes producing countries were China, Japan and South Korea.

Nutritional Value of Radish


In a 100 grams reference serving, raw radishes provide 66 kilojoules (16 kilocalories) of food energy and have a moderate amount of vitamin C (18% of Daily Value), with other essential nutrients in low content

Health Benefits of Radish


  • Radishes are a good source of vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps to battle free radicals in your body and helps to prevent cell damage caused by aging, and unhealthy lifestyle and environmental toxins.
  • Radishes contain small amounts of folate, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, sodium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese and phosphorous.
  • 根据一些研究,吃十字花科蔬菜,例如萝卜可能有助于预防癌症。
  • Radishes are great source of fiber. So consuming radishes can support a healthy digestive system.
  • Radishes are a natural antifungal. They contain the antifungul protein RsAFP2.
  • Radishes are good source of natural nitrates that improve blood flow.
  • Regular consumption of radishes can help to reduce zen effects.
  • Radishes contain some chemical compounds like glucosinolate and isothiocyanate that can help to regulate blood sugar levels and may reduce risk for diabetes.
  • Along with other compounds, radishes contain indole-3-carbinol and 4-methylthio-3-butenyl-isothiocyanate, which help the liver detoxify and heal against damage. And these compounds can also help the kidneys flush out toxins.
  • Radishes are pretty rich in antioxidants and minerals like calcium and potassium. Together, these nutrients help to lower high blood pressure and reduce the risks for heart disease.


商业萝卜养殖是一项非常简单且受欢迎的业务。Growing radishis extremely easy and the beginners can also start this business.

Commercial radish farming is becoming popular gradually in many countries around the world. Here we are trying to describe the top advantages of radish farming business.

  • Commercial radish farming is a very old business and may people are already doing this business.
  • 从商业萝卜养殖业务中赚取丰厚的利润非常容易,许多人已经在从事这项业务。
  • You don’t have to worry much about starting and operating this business, because it is already an established business.
  • Growing radishes is very easy and simple. And the plants are very strong and hardy. They generally require less caring and other management.
  • 与其他水果或农作物养殖业务相比,资本需求相对较低。188金宝搏app亚洲登录
  • 您将在很短的时间内收回投资资金。
  • 萝卜的需求和价值都很好。
  • 你将能够做出好的利润如果你能produce radishes earlier in the season.
  • Commercial radish farming can be a good business for the educated but unemployed people.
  • Radishes are nutritious and has numerous health benefits. And you can enjoy fresh radishes if you start your own production.

How to Start Radish Farming Business

开始商业萝卜养殖非常简单,就像开始其他188金宝搏app亚洲登录作物耕作业务. It’s very easy and the beginners can also start this business with relatively less investment.


Although, having practical experience is very good for commercial production of radishes. Here we are trying to describe more about starting and operating a profitable radish farming business.

Site Selection

Radishes can be grown on all types of soils. But these plants grow best and produce more when they are grown on light friable, sandy loam soil.

Try to avoid heavy or compact soils. Because heavy soils produce rough, malformed roots. Ideal pH of the soil for good growth of radishes is between 5.5 and 6.8.


Soils should be plowed to a depth of 30-40 cm to provide fine tilth. The soil for radish is thoroughly prepared so that there are no clods to interfere with root development.

For good growth of the plants, the soil should not contain any undecomposed organic matter (because that may result in forking of roots or misshapen roots.

Till the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches to make it lose and more suitable for growing radish. And then add a layer of farmyard manure or garden compost to enrich it with organic matter.

Climate Requirement




There are numerous varieties of radishes available throughout the world which vary in size, color, flavor and length of time required for growing.

Radishes varieties can be categorized into 4 main types depending on the seasons when they are grown (also depending on colors and sizes).


在这四种类型中,一些最受欢迎的萝卜品种是Butpee White,Champions,Cherry Belle,Daikon,Dragon的尾巴,法国早餐,Misato Rose,Rat's Tail,Red King和Watermelon Radish。


Purchase Seeds

Radishes are grown from seeds. You can purchase the seeds from any of your nearest nurseries or seed supply stores. You can also consider ordering the seeds online.



The plant rows or ridges about 22 cm high are kept about 45cm apart, whereas the plants within the rows are kept 8cm apart.

The European or temperate types can be sown 20cm to 30cm apart, as they need closer spacing. Generally, the seed sowing is done 1.15cm deep.




25cm to 30cm between rows, and 10cm between plants.




Add as much organic fertilizer as you can while preparing the soil with well decomposed cowdung.



Apply first irrigation immediately after sowing seeds, it will help in good germination of the seeds. Apply remaining irrigation at interval of 6-7 days in summer and 10-12 days interval in winter month depending upon soil type and climate.


覆盖is very important for retaining moisture into the soil, and it will also help to prevent weeds from the field. Use organic materials for using as mulching.


Weeds consume nutrients from the soil and the cultivated crop suffer. Perform weeding and hoeing for keeping check on weed growth (also for preventing soil aeration).

Take one weeding operation, two or three weeks after sowing. After weeding, carryout earthing operation.

Pests & Diseases of Radishes


Diseases & Their Control


Flea beetles and mustard saw fly is another common disease of the radish plants. If you notice the infestation is observed in field, spraying of Malathion 50EC at the rate of 1m per litter of water will be effective. Repeat spray for 2-3 times at interval of 10 days.

Pests & Their Control

Aphid is the most serious pest of Radish. If infestation is observed, spraying of Malathion 50 EC at the rate 1 ml per litter of water will be effective. Repeat spray for 2-3 times at interval of 10 days.






The European or temperate varieties produce 8 to 10 tons roots per hectare within 25 to 30 days. But the Asiatic improved radish varieties produce between 15 to 25 tons roots per hectare within 40 to 60 days.





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