
东印件鸭(也称为黑色东印件or黑东印度鸭) is a very beautiful breed of domestic duck mainly raised for ornamental purposes or as pets. The breed is best known for it’s size and striking appearance.

Despite the name of thisduck breed, it was not developed in the Southeast Asia. Rather the East Indies duck was developed in the United States in the 19th Century, and it is one of the oldest breed of bantam duck.

这种品种的名称可能只是用来帮助出售鸟类。因为异国情调和外国poultry breedswere very popular in the United States and could command a better price.

有些人说东印件鸭可能已经从北部开发sport duck. While others say that the black gene may have arrived from the American black duck.





The ducks/females may sometimes develop white feathers in accordance with their age. This is normal and no amount of breed selection will remove this.


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Photo: Daniel Sörensen


The East Indies duck is primarily kept as an ornamental breed. It is popular as exhibition birds and also raised as pets.

Special Notes

East Indies ducks are generally shy and have a quiet composure. They are suitable for keeping with other non-aggressive birds, and usually shyer and quieter than the Call Ducks. But as a small sized bird, they are relatively good fliers.

The breed is not among the goodegg laying duck breed,每年生产约40至100个鸡蛋。这只鸭子的鸡蛋的颜色根据季节而变化。鸡蛋在本赛季早期是黑色或深灰色。


品种名称 East Indies
Other Name 黑色东印件鸭
Buenos Ayres
Canard du Labrador.
Canard Smaragd (French)
Pato del Labrador(西班牙语)
Smaragdenten (German)
Smeraldo Labrador(意大利语)
Breed Purpose Exhibition, Ornamental
Special Notes Friendly, Excellent Fliers
品种类 宾夕法尼亚州
Broodiness 平均的
Drake 约0.7至0.9千克
Duck About 0.45 to 0.7 kg
气候耐受性 所有的气候
蛋颜色 黑色的or Grey
鸡蛋大小 Medium
Egg Weight 大约55克
鸡蛋生产力 Low
飞行能力 Good
稀有性 常见的
Varieties 黑色的
Country of Origin United States

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