格洛斯特郡旧点118金宝搏抽水 特征,,,,Origin


It is also known by some other names such as格洛斯特郡的旧点,,,,格洛斯特Old Spot,,,,格洛斯特,,,,GOS,,,,Orchard Pig,,,,屋的猪或简单旧点

它是非常古老的猪,目前是稀有品种。该品种是在格洛斯特郡伯克利谷(Berkley Vale)开发的,英国在1800年代。

该品种的确切起源尚不清楚。但是人们认为该品种可能是基于两个猪的品种 - 未经改良的伯克希尔和原始的格洛斯特郡猪,大小较大,具有质状和灰白色,没有斑点。那两个猪繁殖which were used to develop the Gloucestershire Old Spots pig are now extinct.

格洛斯特郡的旧点s (GOS) Breed Societywas formed in 1913. The first pedigree records of pigs began in 1885, much later than it did for cattle, sheep and horses because the pig was a peasant’s animal, a scavenger and was never highly regarded.


And currently there are fewer than 200 yearly registrations in the美国and estimated fewer than 2000 global population. Read more information about the breed below.


这格洛斯特郡的旧点s pigs are medium to large sized animals which are predominantly white in color with black spots. The black spot is a mandatory for the breed and there must be one spot on their body to be accepted in the registry.


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这ir shoulders are fine and not raised and their legs are strong and straight. The sows have at least 14 well placed teats.

这mature Gloucestershire Old Spots boars reach a mature weight of around 272 kg. And average live body weight of the mature sows is around 227 kg. Photo and info fromWikipedia



这ir excellent maternal skills enable them to raise large litters of piglets on pasture. Disposition and self-sufficiency of the breed make them ideal and attractive for the farmers who are willing to raise pasture pigs, and also for the people who want to add pigs to diversified operations.

这格洛斯特郡的旧点s pig was once a very popular breed of pig in it’s native area. It is suitable for both intensive and extensivepig farming system,,,,but it is most suited for the extensive system.

It is very hardy and able to adjust with most conditions, and it has a reputation as an excellent forager. The animals are usually gentle in nature and have relatively good temperament.


但是,在以下图表中查看Gloucestershire Old Spots Pig的完整品种曲线。

品种名称 格洛斯特郡的旧点s
Other Name 格洛斯特郡的旧点,,,,格洛斯特Old Spot, Gloucester, GOS, Orchard Pig, The Cottager’s Pig or simply Old Spots
特别笔记 非常强壮,活跃,聪明,温顺,多产,母猪是出色的母亲,能够照顾大垃圾,适合牧场,非常适合广泛的系统,能够适应大多数条件,优秀的觅食者,良好的气质,优质的肉,良好的肉猪肉和培根生产
Breed Size Medium to large
公猪 Around 272 kg
Sows Around 227 kg
气候耐受性 所有气候
Color White with black spots
Rarity Rare
Country/Place of Origin 英国

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