
Shubunkin Goldfish是一种非常美丽的goldfish种类。它是非常坚固且单尾的精美金鱼,带有鼻腔尺度和一种称为印花布的图案。

该品种是日本起源的,实际上是由Yoshigoro Akiyama创建的。望远镜eye withCommon goldfish。它可能在1900年左右开发。

Shubunkin Goldfish的蓝色使它们看起来很独特。因为蓝色通常在金鱼中非常稀有。

The variety is called asChuwen-chinin China. However, read some more information about this goldfish variety below.



Generally the Shubunkin goldfish can have many colors in their patterning. These colors include yellow, oranges, grays, whites, purples, blacks, reds and browns (all set on a blue background).

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The Shubunkin goldfish generally become mature within their 2 to 3 years of age. And they can generally reach a length of 9 to 18 inches. Photo and info fromWikipedia


像其他许多金鱼品种一样,Shubunkin Goldfish是杂食性的。通常,他们会吃各种冷冻,新鲜和薄片的食物。


The Shubunkin goldfish will often spawn regularly when left to their own devices in a pond. It is advisable to closely monitor pond population levels, as they can overpopulate them in a matter of months.


Shubunkin Goldfish是非常漂亮的高档金鱼品种。它们主要是出于观赏目的。


The Shubunkin goldfish are very hardy, and they are probably one of the hardiest of the goldfish variety. They can thrive well in aquarium and pond environment as well.

They can live more than 10-15 years in optimum conditions. Raising them is relatively easy, as they are not picky and will readily eat what is offered in front of them.

They are very active and strong swimmers. They are very social and generally thrive in community. They are recommended for beginners.

目前,有3种已知的Shubunkin Goldfish。这些变体是American Shubunkins,,,,布里斯托尔·舒邦金斯and伦敦Shubunkins。However, review full breed profile of these fish in the following table.

姓名 Shubunkin金鱼
Other Names 也被称为Chuwen-chinin China
品种目的 Ornamental, pet
特别笔记 非常美丽,吸引人的外观,极其耐铁的鱼,非常活跃,可能是金鱼品种中最艰难的鱼类,在水族馆和池塘环境中都可以很好地蓬勃发展,平均寿命为10 - 15年挑食者,非常活跃和强大的游泳者,非常社交,通常在社区中壮成长,建议初学者,三种已知品种,主要是出于观赏目的
尺寸 在9到18英寸之间
Breeding Method 人造和自然
气候耐受性 Almost all climates
身体颜色 Common colors are yellow, oranges, grays, whites, purples, blacks, reds and browns (all set on a blue background).
Rarity Common
Availability 全世界

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