奥兰达金鱼Characteristics, Diet, Breeding

The Oranda goldfish is a very beautiful breed of金鱼which is easily characterized by a prominent bubble-like ‘hood’ on the head.

The hood or headgrowth of this fish is also known as Wen or Crown. This may be a prominent growth on the top of the head (cranial region) or may encase the whole head except for the eyes and mouth.

奥兰达金鱼最初是从中国进口到日本的。它被错误地认为是荷兰的原生,因此被称为“荷兰狮lionmask”,其英语名称“ Oranda”源自该名称。它实际上是在1500年代后期开发的。

Currently the Oranda goldfish is one of the most popular goldfish in the world.

And is very common in both America and in the far east. However, read some more information about this goldfish variety below.


The Oranda goldfish is one of the most beautiful goldfish varieties. It is favored for it’s hood, which is a fleshy growth on the top of it’s head (called the wen).

And the wen generally starts to show at about 3-4 months, but only really begins to form at about 1-2 years. And the hood is fully developed when the fish gets to be about 2-2.5 years old.

The scales of the Oranda goldfish is a metallic or matte which is similar in appearance to theVeiltail金鱼

These goldfish generally have a large, long and deep body accompanied by a long quadruple tail.

This four-lobed and contracted tail normally spreads out broadly when the oranda stops swimming. The back does not rise up to form a瑞金-like hump.

The Oranda goldfish are available in a variety of colors. Their most common coloration are calico, red-back-and-white, chocolate, bronze, white, black-and-white, silver, blue, black, red-and-black, red-and-white and orange.

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The mature Oranda goldfish can reach between 8 and 12 inches body length. Photo and info from维基百科


李Oranda金鱼是杂食动物ke many other金鱼varieties。它们主要以植物,小甲壳类动物,昆虫和碎屑为食。


The Oranda goldfish can be tricky to breed, like most other fancy goldfish breeds. For breeding, they generally require a period of cooler weather followed by warmer temperatures and adequate tank space.

The females can lay up to 1,000 eggs per spawning. And they can reproduce like crazy in pond environment.


The Oranda goldfish are观赏鱼species. They are raised mainly for ornamental purpose, and also raised as pets.

Special Notes


Generally they can tolerate temperatures ranging from 17-28 °C. If their wen grows too much, it may hinder vision.



目前,有许多Oranda Goldfish的品种。

Common varieties areAzuma Nishiki,红帽奥兰达,Telescope Eyed Oranda,Hana Fusa要么White Pompom Oranda,nagate Oranda熊猫奥兰达

Average lifespan of these fish is up to 15 years. However, review full breed profile of the Oranda goldfish in the table below.

Name 奥兰达金鱼
其他名称 None
Breed Purpose 装饰性,宠物
Special Notes Very beautiful, sensitive to low water temperatures, can be kept with other goldfish varieties, can tolerate temperatures ranging from 17-28 °C, it may hinder vision if the wen grows too much, many varieties available, up to 15 years of average lifespan, raised for ornamental purpose, can reproduce like crazy in pond environment, common varieties are Azuma Nishiki, Red-cap Oranda, Telescope Eyed Oranda, Hana Fusa or White Pompom Oranda, Nagate Oranda and Panda Oranda
Size 在8到12英寸之间
繁殖方法 Artificial and natural
Climate Tolerance Almost all climates
Body Color Most common coloration are calico, red-back-and-white, chocolate, bronze, white, black-and-white, silver, blue, black, red-and-black, red-and-white and orange
Rarity Common
Availability Worldwide


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