Lahore Pigeon Characteristics, Uses & Origin

The Lahore pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon which is known for it’s impressive size and gentle nature. It was originated from Lahore, Pakistan and was bred for very long time in that area.


The breed was imported into德国1880年左右,在1960年代初在鸽子爱好者中非常受欢迎。拉合尔鸽子品种通常在伊朗(Shiraz)地区发现。它是最丰富多彩的鸽子繁殖


Lahore Pigeon Appearance

Lahore pigeon is a large breed of domesticated pigeon, but it is not too long and usually smaller than the King pigeon.

It has a free stance with an almost horizontal body posture. Base color of the body of these birds is white, with a secondary color beginning at the juncture of beak and wattle and spreading in an arc over the eyes and across the back and wings.

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Their rump and tail are of white color. Majority of attention is paid to the quality of the head, neck and wing markings in the pigeon shows.



Lahore pigeon is approximately 10.5 inches tall and about 11.5 inches long. And it measures about 5.5 inches from shoulder to shoulder. Photo and info fromWikipedia


Lahore pigeons are raised mainly for exhibition or show purpose. They are good for utility purpose and also very good for raising as pets.



They are fairly broad in breast and body. And they are sometimes used to produce squabs for the table.

The breed is excellent for show and also very good for raising as pets. However, review full breed profile of the Lahore pigeon in the following chart.

Breed Name Lahore
Other Name None
品种目的 展览,观赏和宠物
特别笔记 美丽,非常温柔,害羞的鸟,非常好的行为,气质相对温和,自然良好,可以轻松而快速地驯服,适合公用事业目的,适合展览目的,适合作为宠物饲养
Breed Class Large
Climate Tolerance 在本地气候下做得很好
飞行能力 Average
As Pets Very good
Color White body with different color markings
Rarity Common
Country/Place of Origin Pakistan

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