
Are you interested in starting commercial celery farming business? If yes, then you are in the right place. Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful celery farming business.


芹菜是一种湿地植物的家庭伞形科that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. It has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves.


Modern celery cultivars have been selected for either solid petioles, leaf stalks or a large hypocoty. A celery stalk readily separates into ‘strings’ which are bundles of angular collenchyma cells exterior to the vascular bundles.[1这是给予的

Celery is popular and eaten throughout the world as a vegetable. The crisp petiole (leaf stalk) is used in North America. But in Europe, the hypocotyl is used as root vegetable.

The leaves of the celery are strongly flavored and are used less often , either as a flavoring in soups and stews or as a dried herb. Celery is a stable in many soups.

However, commercial celery farming is a very easy and profitable business. You can start this business for making money even if you are a beginner.


Celery is highly nutritious and good for human health. A 100 gram reference serving of celery provides 16 kilocalories of food energy and consists of about 95 percent water.


Top Health Benefits of Celery

Celery is a low-calorie food but full with nutrients. It is very good and healthy for humans. Here we are trying to describe about the top health benefits of celery.

  • 抗氧化剂保护细胞,血管和器官免受氧化损伤。芹菜是重要抗氧化剂的重要来源。
  • Celery and celery seeds have approximately 25 anti-inflammatory compounds that can offer protection against inflammation in the body.
  • 抗氧化剂和抗炎提供营养protection to the entire digestive tract. Celery is a good source of antioxidants and anti-iflammatory nutrients. So consuming celery may offer special benefits to the stomach.
  • 芹菜是一些维生素(例如维生素A,C,K)的良好来源。但是它特别富含维生素K。它也是一些矿物质的很好的来源,例如钾和叶酸。
  • Celery can have a neutralizing effect on acidic foods with the minerals available on it such as magnesium, sodium and iron.

Advantages of Celery Farming Business

Like many othercrop farming business,,,,commercial celery farming has also some advantages. Here we are trying to describe more information about the top advantages of commercial celery farming business.

  • Starting commercial celery farming is very easy and simple, even the beginners can also start this business.
  • Commercial production of celery is very profitable and it’s a great way for making high profits.
  • Large scale production of celery is already an established business and many people are already doing this business.
  • 芹菜植物通常生长良好,需要更少的关怀和其他管理。
  • Both demand and value of celery is good in the market.
  • Marketing celery will not be a problem, because it has good demand in the market.
  • 芹菜的商业生产是一项非常有利可图的业务。因此,这可能是人民的重要就业来源,特别是对于受过教育但失业的人来说。
  • Production cost in commercial celery farming is relatively less and you will be able to get your invested money back within a very short period of time.
  • Celery is nutritious and consuming it regularly has numerous health benefits. And you can enjoy fresh celery if you start your own production.

How to Start Celery Farming

Starting commercial celery farming is just like starting other vegetable farming business. It’s very easy and simple, even the beginners can also start this business.

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Although, we recommend having practical knowledge or training before starting this business. Here we trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful celery farming business from planting caring to harvesting and marketing.






Climate Requirement For Celery Farming

Celery can be grown in a relatively cool and humid climatic conditions. Although it can be cultivated successfully in dry conditions by providing regular irrigation. Moderate and well-distributed annual rainfall will favor it’s growth during initial vegetative phase.

Choose a Variety

You should choose the local variety which grow well in your area. You can consult with an existing farmer in your area for having better recommendation for choosing the right celery variety for you.


Propagation in commercial celery farming is done mainly by seed. 300 to 450 grams of seeds are required for cultivating 1 hectare land.


As celery is propagated mainly through seeds, so you have to purchase very high quality seeds for growing celery. You can purchase from any of your nearest seed supply stores or you can also consider ordering the seeds online.


The seeds of celery generally take long time for germination and require to be sown in well prepared beds. You can sow the seed from July to September in nursery beds and provide partial shade and cool conditions.

Keep the seeds moist for a few days before sowing, and doing this will help the seeds to germinate properly. Cover the seeds lightly after sowing and the seedlings will come out after 4 to 8 weeks. Then thin the seedlings to about 1.2 cm spacing.

然后,您可以在大约2个月后将幼苗移植到45 x 15厘米或60 x 15厘米的间距。不要播种很深。


Celery plants generally require less caring and other management. Although, taking additional caring will help the plants to grow well. Here we are describing the common caring process.


在准备土壤时,请尽可能多地加入有机肥料。Generally 20 to 25 tonnes of well decomposed farmyard manure will be enough per hectare.

并且,与有机肥料一起,施用化肥将促进生长和整体生产。每公顷施加200 kg n,100 kg P和150 kg k。


The celery plants require frequent irrigation with good drainage system for better growth. But avoid too much water logging. Irrigation is a must after applying chemical fertilizers.


Mulching helps to retain moisture into the soil and at the same time it also helps to control weed growth. You can use organic materials for mulching.


Controlling weeds from the field is very important, because weeds consume most of the nutrients from the soil and the plants suffer. Frequent hand weeding and light hoeing will be highly beneficial for keeping your field weed free.

Pests & Diseases

Like many other商业作物188金宝搏app亚洲登录,芹菜植物也容易受到一些害虫和疾病的影响。在这里,我们绑定要描述芹菜植物及其控制方法的顶级害虫和疾病。




Aphids affect the plant growth by sucking the cell sap of the leaves. Spraying of Malathion 50 EC at the rate of 400 ml per acre at the interval of 15 days will be highly effective for controlling aphids.

Carrot Weevil


Leaf Miner

Leaf miner affects the foliage and using insecticidal spray will be effective for controlling leaf miner.

Diseases & Their Control


Early Blight

It’s a fungal disease caused by Cercospora apii. Yellow spots on both upper and lower surface of leaves are the symptoms of this disease. Spraying Zineb 75WP at the rate of 400 gram or M-45 at the rate of 400 gram per acre in 150 liter water will be effective for controlling this disease.

Fusarium Yellow


Downy Mildew

It’s also a fungal disease cause by Peronospora umbellifarum. The symptoms are lesions which gets darker with the maturity of plant, yellow spots on the upper surface and white fluffy growth on the lower surface of leaves. Drenching of Copper oxy chloride at the rate of 400 grams per acre in 150 liter water will help to control this disease.

Celery Mosaic Virus

该病毒通过蚜虫传播到其他植物。静脉清除,静脉斑点,卷曲的叶子,扭曲的叶子等是这种疾病的症状。以每升3毫升水的速度喷洒Rogor 30 EC将有效控制这种疾病。


It is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Phythium spp. Rotten seeds are the common symptoms of this disease which decreases seed germination rate and also slow down germination rate.


实际上,芹菜可以在不同的sta收获ges of plant growth depending on market demand and value. Generally harvesting is done 4-5 months after sowing. Harvesting of plant and seeds are to be done.

For harvesting, cut the plants just above the ground with the help of sharp knife. The seed harvesting is done when most seeds turn light brown in color in umble. Delay harvesting results in seed loss, so immediate harvesting is required.


It’s very tough to tell the exact number. Because yield depends on numerous factors such as soil type, cultivar, agro climatic conditions and overall farm management practices. But you can expect an average yield of about 25 to 30 tonnes per hectare.


Marketing celery is very easy and simple. You can easily sell your products in the local market. Although you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.


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