Start Scots Dumpy Chicken Farming Business


The苏格兰鸡蛋鸡breed was originated in the Highlands of Scotland. And it is a very ancient native breed of Scotland. The breed was known by many different names in the early of 20th Century. Those names include Bakies, Creepies, Dadlies, Hoodies or Stumpies.

苏格兰人笨拙的鸡是苏格兰的两个传统禽之一,Scots Grey Chicken。和t的品种在伦敦首次展出he year of 1852.

The Scots Dumpy chickens have four main color varieties. And the color varieties are Black, Cuckoo, Dark and Silver-Grey. And some other color varieties have been developed recently. There is also a bantam variety of this breed.

Today the Scots Dumpy chicken is a rare breed. It is classed as an endangered breed by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust.

However, as the Scots Dumpy chickens are good dual purpose birds, so starting commercial Scots Dumpy chicken farming business will be profitable. And at the same time you can help this breed to increase their population.

How to Start Scots Dumpy Chicken Farming

The Scots Dumpy chickens are very hardy and strong birds. So starting commercial Scots Dumpy chicken farming is just likestarting a chicken farming businesswith any other domestic chicken breeds.

Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating a successful Scots Dumpy chicken farming business from purchasing birds to caring and marketing.



You can purchase either day old chicks or mature birds depending on the price and availability in your area. The mature birds are generally sold at a very high prices in the market. While the day old chicks are much cheaper. So we recommend starting withday old chicks


You can purchase the chicks from any of your nearest poultry chick suppliers, chicken breeding centers or any existing Scots Dumpy chicken farms. Just ensure that the chicks are good and healthy. You can also search your local online classified websites.



The type of the house can be any depending on your budget. It can be of full concrete setup or you can build the house with low cost and easily available materials, such as bamboo or wood. Just ensure that the house is good and comfortable for your birds.

Install good ventilation system inside the house. Good ventilation system helps to remove gas from inside the house and keeps your birds healthy. And also ensure flow of sufficient amount of clean and fresh air inside the house.

Try to make the house in such a way so that you can easily clean the house. The Scots Dumpy chickens are classed as a heavy breed. So a mature bird will require around or up to 5 square feet of housing space.


Feeding the birds with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important part of Scots Dumpy chicken farming business. Because good food not only helps the birds to grow better, but also helps them to stay healthy and produce more.





Like many otherdomestic chicken breeds,苏格兰人矮胖的鸡也是非常好的育种者。如果您在羊群中保持母鸡和公鸡的比例良好,它们将很容易繁殖并产生肥沃的鸡蛋。通常,一个成熟且健康的公鸡足以繁殖或最多10个母鸡。


The Scots Dumpy chickens are relatively strong, hardy and active birds. So they generally require less caring and other management. Although taking additional caring will help the birds to grow better and produce more.




These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful Scots Dumpy chicken farming business. These birds are easily handled and raising them is very easy. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!



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